Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pinterest Projects and Attempts

 I have always wanted to make cookie bowls. Basically, you take cookie dough and a muffin pan and then you turn the pan upside down. Now, spread the cookie dough on it. Make sure you use A LOT of spray!!! Then you bake it for however long. After it cools for a little you take the cookies off of the pan. Now you have a bowl that you can eat and put ice cream in! Well, that's how it is supposed to turn out . . . I didn't put enough spray, didn't use very good cookie dough, and put too much dough on the pan. As you can see, mine broke when I tried taking them off. We put them on the bottom of ice cream bowls and made yummy ice cream sundaes anyways!
The next day I had a few friends over and we decided to bake something. We looked on Pinterest and one of my friends found a sunflower cake made out of chocolate icing, peeps, and chocolate chips. We made the cake and then spread the icing on. Then, we placed the bunny peeps (the only ones we could find) a long the outside edges. After that, we sprinkled chocolate chips in the inside. Last but not least, we ate it! This project thankfully turned out REALLY GOOD!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Disciple Now 2013

Hey guys! So we just finished Disciple Now! The theme was Exchange. Exchanging our old life, our sinful ways, for a new life in Christ! It was an amazing reminder of the greatness of our God and our complete surrender to Him!
And... we  also got to Skype Abby, my sisterchick in Africa! All of the girls in our group absolutely loved getting to talk to her! Thank-you so much Abby!
Here the lyrics to a song that we sang that is one of my new favorites:

Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong, in the Savior's love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all.

Here is a picture of all the youth dancing during the worship services:

It was a great weekend and we are sad it is over, but now, our job is to carry what we learned and the changes that were made into our day-to-day life!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hey guys!

We are tracked out!! Yay! Spring break is my absolute favorite! This week though, I have drivers ed . . . It's interesting, boring, exciting, and a little frightening all at the same time. Well, in the end it will be worth it. And, this weekend, we have Disciple Now, an in town youth retreat at my church, it is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see what God has in store! yay! At DNow we are going to have worship services, a food scavenger hunt for our church's food pantry, and we are going to Skype one of the most amazing people ever, Abby! Can't wait! I'll talk more about it afterwards, but in the mean time, have a great week!

Friday, March 1, 2013

"Go making disciples of all nations..." including your own!

"Go, making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Often times when we think about telling others about the wonderful news of our sweet Savior, we think about mission trips and oversees. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this bad. It is amazing! I'm going on a mission trip this summer, one of my very best friends and her family are missionaries overseas, and I want to be a missionary! The problem is though, we don't usually associate our schools, our sports teams, our friends, etc. with the mission field. But this is the greatest and hardest mission field of our lives!

I definitely struggle with this. I get restless and wish I could be doing something greater. I want to go on another mission trip. I want to go overseas. I feel more comfortable sharing Jesus with somebody I don't know. But the greatest thing that I can do is right now, and that is reaching out to the people all around me. I have to remember that the mission field that God has given me right now is my high school, my dance studio, my neighborhood, my church, and even my own home. And it is a big mission field. Everyone has their very own mission field. This means that I am a missionary and so are you!

So don't forget, God tells us to make disciples of all nations... even your own!