Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pinterest Project #3

A few weeks ago, well, more like a couple months a go, I did my 3rd Pinterest Project. Except, this one was a major one! I made a world map on a canvas.

First, you need a map. The one I got was from Barnes & Noble. Then you need:

Materials which include Modge Podge, brushes, a yard stick, an Xacto knife, and ribbon (which isn't in the picture and is optional). You also need a 3 canvases:

You need two different size canvases and the sizes will be according to the size of the map.
When choosing the canvas, you will have to decide between two different ways that you can put the map on the canvas. You can either wrap the map around the edges of the canvas (if you do this, you won't need ribbon) or you can have the map just on top.

Measure the canvas and mark the parts of the map hat you are going to remove.
Then, you cut the map according to canvas sizes using the Xacto knife. You will cut the map into 3 different pieces. Also, if the map is larger than the canvas, you can trim any extra parts off.
Next, you modge podge the canvas.
Then, you modge podge over the map and let it dry :)
When it is dry, if you want, you can glue ribbon around the edges. I glued pink ribbon on mine!

Ta da!!! 
The finished product!

On my board, I have pink pins for places that I have been and. . .

blue pins for the places that I want to go!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Here is a quote that I found today that I really like! :

"Everybody can be great. Because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve... You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."

- Martin Luther King Jr.