A mission trip to Costa Rica (which I will talk more about later!!). But I will tell you now, God did AMAZING things!
A lady accepting Christ after hearing about His great love!
Field trips... On this one we went to NC State to hear about a language program.
Cousin dates to the Tea Room!
A new photo editing app that I got...
(this picture is from a couple Sundays ago when some ladies from my parent's Sunday class and their girls went to an outreach called Covered with Love where we made blankets for moms who lost their children. It was sad but I'm glad we got to help!)
Spanish-English Bibles
Reunions... My best friend came back from West Africa and boy are Parker and I excited!!!
African gifts... Love!
... and last but not least, Bible verses to remind me of God's faithfulness!
Ahhh.....i wish i could've been there to see sweet Abby!! Looks like ya'll had a blast though!!