So a couple posts ago I said that I was going to try a bunch of different things that I found on Pinterest this track-out. . . Well, it is now 4 days until the start of school. Time has flown by so fast! I have had a productive, busy, and very fun break but I didn't realize until a couple days ago that I really need to get going on my "project".
The one thing that I did try was making pictures into different shapes. You do this by cutting out a circle the size of your camera lens with a sheet of paper. . . any paper. Then you cut out a shape in the middle. It can be WHATEVER shape you desire! :) I chose a heart because that is what it showed in the picture on Pinterest. Then you tape the paper to the camera. This is what I came out with:
*Tip: If you ever try this, make sure to keep the flash on*
I'm going to extend my "Pinterest Project" so whenever I try something in the future, I will post about it! :)
I'm really excited about your "where I want to go" project... :)
ReplyDeleteThank-you! I can't wait for it!!! I'm going to post about it as soon as it is done :)
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool elli I can't to try it