For Language Arts, I had the chance to research and learn about Liu Xiaobo from China. He was the Nobel Peace Prize winner of 2010. Here are some facts and information about him.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for... Liu Xiaobo worked for human rights and freedom in China in a non-violent way.
Work and Specific Contributions: Liu Xiaobo was speaking at Columbia University when he heard about the movement in Tiananmen square. He left to join them in China. On June 2, 1989 he encouraged students to go on a hunger strike with him. He has been in jail a number of times and is currently in jail right now. Each time has only been for speaking out about what he believes in.
What issues(s) caused this person to take action? He wanted a change in China. He wanted there to be freedom of speech, religion, and many other things.
Was the issue local or global? It was neither. His issue was national. He was wanted to gain freedom in China by taking non-violent action.
How did the person take action? Liu Xiaobo took part in movements, went on a hunger strike, and wrote books. He once even started a petition campaign for the Chinese government to rethink what happened in Tiananmen Square.
What media channels did he use to take action? How did he or she use each? Liu Xiaobo used books and speeches to take action. He would write books and use speeches to protest and try to gain freedom and human rights.
Some answers to some of my own questions. These are answers to a few questions I had myself:
- What were some of the specific reasons he went to jail? Liu Xiaobo went to jail because he seeked to end a party in China, defended human rights, he started the October 10th declaration, and for a few other things.
- What was he writing about? Liu Xiaobo wrote about human rights and political issues.
-What does Liu Xiaobo believe in? I did not get the answer I was looking for, but the main thing that it seemed he believes in is peace.
-Why or what is his specific reason he wants peace? He doesn't seem to have a specific reason for wanting peace, he just does.
-What was he talking about in his book and speeches that caused "quite a stir"? Liu Xiaobo was talking and writing about human rights and political issues.
How does this person inspire you? Liu Xiaobo kept working for what he was wanting no matter what happens or what obstacles come in his way.
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