Wednesday, June 13, 2012

8th grade!

Wow! Last Friday was the end of the school year for me!! I can't believe it! This year has been different than any other. . . . for me anyways. At our school we added a class to each grade so we had a lot of new students and teachers. I have been blessed with so many great friends, in school and out of school this year and have many fun memories ;) A lot has happened this year, good and bad, and God has led us through it every step of the way! Here are some pictures of some fun things that have happened this since last July:
This was the first day of school. . . which was also my birthday!

Our winter Chorus concert

and our Spring concert

At a chorus competition
After the competition, we went to Kings Dominion

What we do in Chorus after our last concert and we have nothing to sing :)

At the 8th grade Formal

After the formal some of us went to Goodberries :)

Instead of an 8th grade graduation we had a picnic. This is when the teachers were giving us awards. Mine was the "Silent Sweetheart" award.

These two pictures are from the last day of school... ahhh!!!

Celebrating the end of the school year!!!!